Kunsten Retro

Kunsten Museum of Modern Art Aalborg Group Show Iceman, 180 x 130 cm, oil on canvas, 1993 www.kunsten.dk

Horsens Kuraterer del 2

Horsens Kunstmuseum Among other: Lars Nørgård and Bjørn Nørgaard www.horsenskunstmuseum.dk

Sunny Peaks

Sunny Peaks 220 x 140 cm, acrylic and oil on canvas, 2021 Acquired by Faerch A/S Martin Asbæk Gallery, 2022


Bright 200 x 200 cm, acrylic and oil on canvas, 2022 Acquired by Faerch A/S Martin Asbæk Gallery, 2022

Summer in The City

Group Show. Artists of the gallery, and guests Image: Collectors Curse, acrylic on canvas, 2022 www.martinasbaek.com      

Horsens Kuraterer – et

Horsens Kunstmuseum www.horsenskunstmuseum.dk