1956 Born on October 25th in Aalborg
1975-78 The School of Design, Copenhagen
1980-81 Academy of Art College, San Francisco, United States

Represented in the following museums

Arken Museum of Modern Art, Ishøj
ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum, Aarhus
Esbjerg Kunstmuseum, Esbjerg
Fondazione Aldega, Italy
HEART Herning Museum of Contemporary Art
Helsingoer Bymuseum, Helsingoer
Horsens Kunstmuseum, Horsens
Kastrupgaardsamlingen, Kastrup
KUNSTEN Museum of Modern Art, Aalborg
Kunstindustrimuseet, Copenhagen
Kunstmuseet Trapholt, Kolding
Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen
Randers Kunstmuseum, Randers
Rooseum, Malmoe, Sweden
Skive Kunstmuseum, Skive
Soenderjyllands Kunstmuseum, Toender
The Graphic Collection, Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen
Vejle Kunstmuseum, Vejle
Vestsjaellands Kunstmuseum, Soroe

Solo exhibitions


“Still-life”, Stald 15, Aalborg


“Can A Woman  Be Happy  With A  New-Wave Haircut”, Gallery Specta, Aarhus


“Forordsrullerne”, Eks-Skolens Forlag, Copenhagen
“Paintings”, Gallery Baselisk, Copenhagen


“The lady won’t call. You’ll have to do that yourself”, Aarhus Kunstmuseum, Aarhus


“Circe”, Gallery Prag, Hellerup,
“Arch Support”, Aarhus Kunstmuseum, Aarhus


“Blind Ears”, Gallery Prag, Hellerup
“Vamos a ver”, London Bar, Barcelona, Spain
“Krimskrams”, Gallery Specta, Aarhus
“The Artist of the Year”, Jyllands-Posten, Copenhagen


“Arch Support, the paintings”, Gallery Brandt, Fredensborg
“Kikeriki”, Gallery Prag, Hellerup


“Paintings and Drawings”, Gallery Arcticus, London, England
“Decoi”, Gallery Prag, Hellerup


“Flaat(d)ens nyhed(t)er”, Vestsjaellands Kunstmuseum, Soroe
“Hysteria”, Franz Pedersens Kunsthandel, Horsens


“Salthorse”, ARCO, Madrid, Spain and Gallery Mikael Andersen, Copenhagen
“Lars Norgard”, The Danish House, Paris, France and AMC Gallery, Mulhouse, France


“Lars Norgard”, Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen
“Close-up of a genius”, Hostrup-Pedersen & Johansen, Copenhagen


“Picnic anywhere!”, The Danish Cultural Institute, Edinburgh, Scotland og Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, Scotland


“A Dentition of Prodigal Brushes”, Gallery Asbaek, Copenhagen


“Smile in Bad Weather”, Skive Art Museum, Skive & Gallery Asbaek, Copenhagen
“Sausages and Killings”, Skive Kunstmuseum, Skive


“Little Man With A Big Hat”, DCA Gallery, New York, NY, USA


“Stranded Research”, Gallery MoellerWitt, Aarhus
“Voyeur behind the Wheel”, Horsens Kunstmuseum, Horsens


“The water underneath the bridge”, Gallery Asbaek, Copenhagen


“Small Problems-Big Solutions”, DCA Gallery, New York, NY, USA


“Witnesses to a total solution”, Gallery Asbaek, Copenhagen
“Ventilation og vemod/Ventilation and Sadness”, Gallery MoellerWitt, Aarhus


“8539 days”, Trapholt, Kolding


“Gasoline”, Gallery MoellerWitt, Aarhus
“Draw the Wallet”, National Gallery of Denmark, Copenhagen


“The Big Horse Manure Competition”, Gallery Claus Christensen, Copenhagen
“Bad Nerves”, Horsens Kunstmuseum, Horsens


“SUNBEAM”, Gallery MoellerWitt, Aarhus


“Autoclave”, Galleri Profilen, Aarhus


“Little Soaps”, Schaeffer Graphic Workshop, Copenhagen
“Seven Magic Moles”, DTU (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet), Copenhagen
“Rotor & Retur”, Galerie Mikael Andersen, Copenhagen
“Bright Sides”, Roennebaeksholm, Naestved
“Så er der skulptur”, Horsens Kunstmuseum, Horsens
“Luxury Visions”, KUNSTEN, Museum of Modern Art, Aalborg


“Die korrekte Verwendung von Seife”, Galerie Mikael Andersen, Berlin


FAIRWAY”, Galerie Mikael Andersen, Copenhagen


“X-Liontamer”, Imprimerie Clot, Bramsen et Georges, Paris


“Morphine”, Horsens Kunstmuseum, Horsens

“King Jelly´s Last Stage Dive”, Charlotte Fogh Gallery, Aarhus


“Beehive Cockpit”, Martin Asbæk Gallery with  Asbæk Art Consulting, Copenhagen

“Lars Nørgård – The French Clot-nection”, Atelier Clot, Paris

“Weeks in Bubbles”, Galleri DGV, Svendborg


“La plus grande lithographie couleur du monde”, par Lars Nørgård

Centre Cristel Editeur D´Art, Saint Malo, France


“From the Archive”, Horsens Kunstmuseum, Horsens

“Roundabout”, Charlotte Fogh Gallery, Aarhus



“Lars Nørgård – Horsens Kunstmuseums samling”, Horsens

“The French Clot-nection”, Kastrupgaardsamlingen, Kastrup


“Lars Nørgård – Horsens Kunstmuseums  samling”, Horsens

“The French Clot-nection”, Kastrupsamlingen, Kastrup


“Den Moderne Dans”, Galleri DGV




Selected group exhibitions


“Der Ring des Niebelungen”,Workshop Worst, Copenhagen
“Hvor den knitrende sne daekker de magre roe- og hvedemarker, kan man rejse uset gennem landet, hvis man skjuler sig mellem faarene”, (with Erik A. Frandsen), Gallery Ægidius, Randers
“Button”, Workshop Worst og Lars Mathisen, Galerie de Route, Copenhagen
“Ballet for Dumpsters”, Workshop Worst, Hvidovre Kunstbibliotek, Hvidovre
“Den Frie”, Den Frie, Copenhagen


“The grass is milking the leg of the cow”, Workshop Worst with guests, Workshop Worst, Copenhagen
“Cielo con carne”, Workshop Worst, Ottos Salon, Copenhagen
“Grevinde Danner-pictures/ pictures from the lost paradise”, Workshop Worst, Copenhagen
“The assasination of Greenwich”, (with Erik A. Frandsen), Gallery Specta, Aarhus
“Untitled”, Aarhus Kunstmuseum, Aarhus
“Furious”, Skaanska Konstmuseum, Lund, Sweden
“Workshop Worst in Borup”, (with Erik A. Frandsen og Christian Lemmerz), Borup Town Hall, Borup


“In cold blood”, Workshop Worst, Kongo, Copenhagen
“God & Grammar”, Charlottenborg, Copenhagen
“Hommage à Svend Guttorm”, Tranegaarden, Gentofte og Herning Kunstmuseum, Herning
“The Danes”, Kulturhuset, Stockholm, Sweden


“Five Danish Artists”, Gallery Arcticus, London, England


“Limelight”, Charlottenborg, Copenhagen
“Monkey”, (with Michael Kvium), Horsens Kunstmuseum, Horsens
“Crazy about art”, Aarhus Kunstmuseum, Aarhus
“Villiam H. Michaelsens Scholarship for Drawing”, The Collection of Graphic Art, National Gallery of Denmark, Copenhagen
“Selected Prints”, Niels Borch Nielsen, Copenhagen


“The wild danes”, Nordic House, Reykjavik, Iceland og Nordic House, Faroe Islands
“New painting from the 80’s”, The Collection of Graphic Art, National Gallery of Denmark, Copenhagen


“Decembristerne”, Den Frie, Copenhagen
“16 drawings”, the Graphic Collection, Copenhagen
“Zeichnungen”, Künstlerhaus, Dortmund, Germany
“Group Exhibition”, Soenderjyllands Kunstmuseum, Toender
“Nordic graphics”, Oslo Kunstforening, Oslo, Norway, and the jeweler firm Cartier’s Art Center, Paris, France
“Danemark 88”, Fondation Cartier, Paris, France
“Danish Art”, Gallery F-15, Moss, Norway


“Juxtaposition”, Gallery Mikael Andersen, Copenhagen
“Summershow”, Gallery Mikael Andersen, Copenhagen


“Kunst X 6”, Norrkjoeping Kunstmuseum, Norrkjoeping, Sweden, Sveaborg, Helsinki, Finland, Vestsjaellands Kunstmuseum, Soroe og Esbjerg Kunstmuseum, Esbjerg
“Jyllands-Posten: The Artist of the Year” 10 Year Anniversary, The Aarhus Art Building, Aarhus


“Groenningen” Charlottenborg, Copenhagen
“Museum Danmark”, Arken, Museum of Modern Art


“Groenningen”, Charlottenborg, Copenhagen
“Wild Roads”, danish painting in the 80’s, from Birte Inge Christensen og John Hunovs Collection, Aarhus Kunstmuseum, Aarhus
“Reverens”, Gallery MoellerWitt, Aarhus


“Groenningen”, Charlottenborg, Copenhagen
“Major works from the collections of the museum”, Horsens kunstmuseum, Horsens


“Groenningen”, Charlottenborg, Copenhagen


“Groenningen”, Charlottenborg, Copenhagen
Centre Culturel Andratx, Mallorca


“Carnegie Art Award”, in a number of countries in Scandinavia and Victoria Miro Warehouse, London, England
“Groenningen”, Charlottenborg, Copenhagen


“Groenningen”, Charlottenborg, Copenhagen
The First Beijing International Art Biennale, China 2003


“Clinch!”, National Gallery of Denmark, Copenhagen
“Groenningen”, Charlottenborg, Copenhagen
“Winter Show”, Galleri Bo Bjerggaard, Copenhagen


“Highlights”, National Gallery of Denmark, Copenhagen
“Groenningen”, Charlottenborg, Copenhagen
“Summer Show”, Galleri Bo Bjerggaard, Copenhagen


“Groenningen”, Charlottenborg, Copenhagen
“Collection of Erik Veistrup”, Randers Kunstmuseum, Randers


“Groenningen”, Charlottenborg, Copenhagen
“ShowOff III”, Gallery MoellerWitt, Aarhus


“Selected Artists 1”, Schäfer Grafisk Værksted, Copenhagen


“Accrochage X”, Gallery MoellerWitt, Aarhus
“Selected Artists 2”, Schäfer Grafisk Værksted, Copenhagen


“Collection of Erik Veistrup”, KUNSTEN Museum of Modern Art, Aalborg
“The wild 80s”, Arken, Museum of Modern Art, Ishoej
“Selected Artists 3”, Schäfer Grafisk Værksted, Copenhagen
“The Red One”, Galleri Claus Christensen, Copenhagen


“Så er der skulptur”, Horsens Kunstmuseum, Horsens
“LITOS GRAFERA”, Art Centre Silkeborg Bad, Silkeborg


“Billedstorm”, Galerie Mikael Andersen, Copenhagen
“Accrochage”, Galerie Mikael Andersen, Copenhagen
“Dengang i 80érne”, Horsens Kunstmuseum, Horsens
“Six Paintings”, Gallery Shibboleth, Frederiksberg
“Alles Wasser”, Galerie Mikael Andersen, Berlin
“Dansk og international kunst efter 1900”, Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen
“Accrochage”, Galerie Mikael Andersen, Copenhagen


“Alles Wasser”, Galerie Mikael Andersen, Copenhagen
“Ikarier”, Galerie Mikael Andersen, Berlin
“Directors Choice 7-9-13”, ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum, Aarhus
“Snit i tiden”, Sorø Kunstmuseum, Sorø
“SMÆK!” Storm P. museet, Frederiksberg
“Kunst i Randers-eje”, Randers Kunstmuseum, Randers”


“Sculptures and Works on Paper”, Galerie Mikael Andersen, Berlin


“New Prints”, Imprimerie Clot, Bramsen et Georges, Paris

“Fantasi og følelse”, ekspressionistisk grafik, ARoS, Aarhus Kunstmuseum, Aarhus

“Over stregen/Crossing the Line”, Charlotte Fogh Gallery, Aarhus

“We hate Christmas – Works on Paper”, Galleri Tom Christoffersen, Copenhagen


“Summer Show – Sculpture from Ib Braase to Nanna Abell, Horsens Art Museum, Horsens

Art Herning: Charlotte Fogh Gallery


“ON VIEW 9”, Stalke Galleri/Stalke Out Of Space/

“Summer Show”, Horsens Art Museum

“Summer in the City”, Martin Asbæk Gallery, Copenhagen

“Parallel Lines”, Charlotte Fogh Gallery, Aarhus

Art Herning: Atelier Clot, Charlotte Fogh Gallery

“The Wrong Biennale”, Spain


“The Wrong Biennale, Spain

“Locker Room Summer Saloon”, Charlotte Fogh Gallery

“Summer Show 2018”, Horsens Art Museum

“Summer Show”, Galleri DGV/Villa Tårnborg, Svendborg

“Summer in the City”, Martin Asbæk Gallery

“Nyerhvervelser”, Horsens Art Museum

“Christmas Show”, Martin Asbæk Gallery

Art Herning: Atelier Clot, Charlotte Fogh Gallery, Martin Asbæk Gallery


“Viera Collaro, Erik A. Frandsen, Lars Nørgård”, Galleri DGV/Villa Tårnborg, Svendborg

Locker Room Summer Show: ” Graphics”, Charlotte Fogh Gallery

Art Herning: Atelier Clot, Charlotte Fogh Gallery, Martin Asbæk Gallery

Enter Art Fair, Copenhagen: Charlotte Fogh Gallery

Locker Room Winter Show: “Drawings”, Charlotte Fogh Gallery


“RYTMEOGRO”, ARKEN Museum of Moderne Art

“Summer in the City”, Martin Asbæk Gallery

“Selected Works”, Galleri DGV

“Group Show – Artists of the Gallery”, Martin Asbæk Gallery


“Group Show – Artists of the Gallery”, Martin Asbæk Gallery

“Sommerudstilling”, Horsens Art Museum

“Summer in the City”, Martin Asbæk Gallery

“Enter Art Fair”, Copenhagen

“Her er”, Lars Nørgård & Kristian Dahlgaard Larsen, Martin Asbæk Gallery


“Nyerhvervelser”, Horsens Art Museum

“Horsens Kuraterer  del 1”, Horsens Art Kunstmuseum

“Summer in The City”, Martin Asbæk Gallery

“Horsens Kuraterer del 2”, Horsens Kunstmuseum

“Kunsten Retro” Kunsten Museum of Moderne Art, Aalborg

“Horsens Kuraterer del 3”, Horsens Kunstmuseum

“Christmas Show – Artists of the Gallery”, Martin Asbæk Gallery


“Highlights 2023”, Charlotte Fogh Gallery


“Highlights 2024”, Charlotte Fogh Gallery

“KOLOSSAL” Kastrupgaardsamlingen





“AR-Folk: Armorika, the country at the sea”, LP cover
“Hot Chili: Hot Chili”, LP cover


Re-designing the Hummel Bee logo
“The Flooded House”, Fernando Hernandez, bookcover, Arena publicers
Designs, Yosemite National Park, California


“Unknown Danish”, graphic folder, heliography, Ulfborg publicers
“Library Burlesk No. 1”, Red. John Hunov, Eks-Skolens Forlag


“Fut, fut, schatzi, fut”, super 8-film, (with Erik A. Frandsen og Christian Lemmerz)


“The Door”, (with Erik A. Frandsen, Christian Lemmerz og Sonny Tronborg)


“The lady won’t call”, graphic folder, graphic printing, Niels Borch Jensen, Copenhagen


“Arch Support”, book of drawings, PlaGiat publicers
“A Woman Can Take You To Another Universe/ Sometimes She Just Leaves You There”, fotonovel, (with Erik A. Frandsen), Gallery Specta, Aarhus


“Horse Diary: First Gift Of Music”, LP, Olufsen Records
“Ass and Key”, Klaus Lynggaard, bookcover, Borgen publicers


“Kikeriki”, book of drawings, Gallery Prag, Hellerup


“The Flood”, text: Vagn E. Olsson, drawings: LN, Gallery Specta, Aarhus


“Horsens New Theater”, decoration assignment for Horsens New Theater, Horsens
“Safe Environment”, folder containing 10 colour etchings, Edition Dan Albert
Benveniste, Madrid, Spain
“Giant meat grinder”, Scenography for televisionshow by indiegroup “Gangway”, TV2, Copenhagen


“Massage”, book of drawings, PlaGiat publicers
“Art Support”, cartoon, Filmforsyningen, Statens Filmcentral


“From a superheroes confessions”, Mette Thomsen, Lindhardt & Ringhof , book cover
Book cover and illustrations to “ To Every Mans Benefit”, the history of The Royal Danish Theatre 1722-1995, volume I og II, Jens Engberg, Frydenlund
“Cook til right taste and consistency reached”, (with Erik A. Frandsen, Michael Kvium og Christian Lemmerz), Claus Christensen med Soeren Wedderkopp, Broendum
“Broendums fish cook book”, (with Erik A. Frandsen, Michael Kvium og Christian Lemmerz), Claus Christensen med Soeren Wedderkopp, Broendum & Aschehoug


“Village of Culture”, Jens Smaerum Soerensen, Samleren, book cover “Ruzname”, Henrik Nordbrandt, Aschehoug, book cover and illustrations
“Danish girls show everything: Apple Stew”, cartoon, Holland House
“PORCVS SVM – I: A Pig” (with Erik A. Frandsen, Michael Kvium og Christian Lemmerz), Claus Christensen og Soeren Wedderkopp, Broendum


“Floating Universe”, (with Erik A. Frandsen, Michael Kvium og
Christian Lemmerz), Claus Christensen og Soeren Wedderkopp, Broendum
“Animal Hospital – smokers department” and “Animal Hospital – nonsmokers department”, theme paintings for Aarhus Amtssygehus, Aarhus
Decoration of Socialpaedagogisk Seminarium, Odense
“Beer”, decoration assignment for the Carlsberg Breweries, Copenhagen
Gable decoration, Sindshvilevej, Frederiksberg


“Aorta”, cookbook/graphic folder, (with Peter Bonde, Erik A. Frandsen, Michael Kvium og Christian Lemmerz), Broendum
“Alex Brask Thomsen family tree”, painting assignment for Brask Thomsen Stiftung, Liecthenstein


“Lost At Sea”, computeranimation, Holland House
DSB, year poster, Copenhagen
“Hu hey wild animals”, cookbook/lithography folder, (with Peter Bonde, Erik A. Frandsen, Michael Kvium, Christian Lemmerz og Franco Turchi), Claus Christensen og Soeren Wedderkopp, Claus Christensen og Edition Copenhagen


“The Beer of the Year”, beer etiquette, Wibroe Brewery


“The Water Underneath the Bridge”, drawings, offset-print, Gallery Asbaek
“Café Lars Norgard”, decorating the museum café, National Gallery of Denmark, Copenhagen
“Letters never send”, painting assignment of P.A. Consulting Group, Copenhagen


“Clotheslines”, serie of 4 litographies, Edition Copenhagen
“Princess Long Beard”, childrens book, Elkjaer&hansen publishers


“My mum is stuck to a stick”, childrens book, Elkjaer&hansen publishers


Decorating the Braendkjaer School, Kolding
Post Danmark Art Stamp
Decorating the “Art Lounge East”, The Opera, Copenhagen
Decorating the “School by The Lakes”, Frederiksberg
“The Paintings”, monograph by Trine Ross, forlaget Aschehoug


“LARSLARS”, drawing by Lars Norgard, text by Lars Bukdahl, Sesam Publishers


“The Paintings”, monograph by Trine Ross, Norgard Publishing
“Draw the Wallet” monograph by Lars Bukdahl, danish and english edition, National Gallery of Denmark


Decoration of Aarhus Amtssygehus, Aarhus
“Girl Sailors”, serie of 4 litographies, Edition Copenhagen
“Bad Nerves”, monograph by Lisbeth Bonde, danish and english edition, Christian Ejlers’ Forlag


Decoration of The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Copenhagen


“SUNBEAM”, exhibition catalogue, SUNBEAM, Gallery MoellerWitt, Aarhus
Decoration of The National Museum, Copenhagen
Decoration of Hospis Djursland, Roende
“Ecologic Vampire”, serie of 4 litographies, Edition Copenhagen, Copenhagen
“AF STED”, drawings for poetic encyclopidia, Gyldendal & Kurs , Copenhagen


“Escape Plan”, assignment for The Court of Aalborg, Aalborg
“Autoclave”, Monograph by Peter Michael Hornung, Gallery Profilen, Aarhus
“Scandinavians”, serie of 3 Woodcuts, printed by Schaefer Graphic Workshop, Edition Galleri Profilen, Aarhus
“Us Danes”, Book of Poetry by Henrik Nordbrandt, Drawings by Lars Norgard
“Radio Harvest”, 2 litographies, assignment for KLF, Frederiksberg, printed by Hostrup Petersen & Johansen, Copenhagen
“Pocketlines”, serie of 7 etchings, Schaeffer Graphic Workshop, Copenhagen


“Seven Magic Moles”, assignment for DTU, Lyngby, Ny Carlsbergfondet


“Chamberlain Nicolai de Neergaard”, portrait assignment

“New Escape Plan”, assignment for The Court in Copenhagen


“Natalie”, assignment for N. Zahles Gymnasieskole, Copenhagen
Ny Carlsbergfondet


“Sitting In A Big Crown”, assignment for Christianskirken, Berlin. Birgitte Erichsens Fond

Ghost Train by The Quiet Boy. Unthinkable (889211256662). Album cover art


“Musholm”, assignment for Musholm, Korsør

“Phaedon”, assignment for Vennerslund Castle, Nørre Alslev


“Revolving Spex”, assignment for Aarhus University Hospital, Skejby. Ny Carlsbergfondet

“Reception 1” & “Reception 2 “, oil on canvas, assignment for The Court in Aalborg

“Ghost Train” & “World Record”, litography, Kunstsammlung Europäisches Patentamt, Munich


“Meet Me Under The Table”, Den Danske Forskningsfond, Herlev

Biographies and exhibition catalogues

Uden titel: De unge vilde/Jens Erik Sørensen. Aarhus Kunstmuseum, 1983, 71 pages

Can a Woman be Happy with a New-Wave Haircut, Århus: Galleri Specta, 1984, 64 pages

Fruen ringer ikke – det må man selv gøre: Paintings. Århus: Galleri Specta, 1985, 5 pages + 24 illustrations

A WOMAN CAN TAKE YOU TO ANOTHER UNIVERSE/SOMETIMES SHE JUST LEAVES YOU THERE. Photonovel (with Erik A. Frandsen). Aarhus: Gallery Specta, 1985


Lars Nørgård og Michael Kvium. Horsens Kunstmuseum Lunden, 1986. 31 pages

Circe. Hellerup: Galleri Prag, 1987, 33  pages

Blinde ører/text: Vagn E. Olsson and peter S. Meyer; photos Per Bak Jensen. Kbh: Arme og Ben, 1988, 32 pages

Vamos a ver/drawings: Lars Nørgård; photos Per Bak Jensen, Kbh: Arme og Ben, 1988, 32 pages

Flåt(d)ens nyhed(t)er. Sorø: vestsjællands Kunstmuseum, 1991, 44 pages

Lars Nørgård: Salthorse. Kbh: Galerie Mikael Andersen, 1992, 27 pages

Jerngården: Lars Nørgård. Roskilde: City Workshop, 1993, 8 pages

Lars Nørgård/text: Malene Vest Hansen & Vagn E. Olsson. Kbh: Kulturministeriet, 1994, 47 pages

Lars Nørgård: et udvalg af billeder/text by Poul Erik Tøjner. Kbh: Søren Fogtdal, 1994, 16 pages + illustrations (Dansk nutidskunst; 21

Et tandsæt af forlorne pensler. Kbh: Galleri Asbæk, 1996

Smil i gråvejr/text: Pier Maria Andersen. Skive Kunstmuseum, 1998; 32 pages

LITTLE MAN WITH A BIG HAT. Text: Søren Wedderkopp. New York, USA: Catalogue for DCA Gallery, 1999

Grundstødt forskning. Århus: Galerie MøllerWitt, 2000, 31 pages

Vandet under broen/text and drawings: Lars Nørgård. Kbh: Galerie Asbæk, 2000, 96 pages

Ventilation og vemod. Århus: Galerie MøllerWitt, 2003, 31 pages

Vidner til en totalløsning. Kbh: Galerie Asbæk, 2003, 39 pages

Clinch! danske kunstnere markerer Kunstakademiets 250 års jubilæum på Statens Museum for Kunst. Statens Museum for Kunst, 2004, 197 pages (interview with Lars Nørgård and others)

Lars Nørgård – Maleri/Trine Ross. Kbh: Aschehoug, 2004, 199 pages

8539 dage – Lars Nørgård. Kolding: Trapholt, 2005, 47 pages

Benzin/text: Trine Ross. Århus: Galerie MøllerWitt, 2006, 46 pages

Draw the Wallet/text: Lars Bukdahl. Kbh: Statens Museum for Kunst, 2006, 255 pages

Dårlige nerver/text: Lisbeth Bonde. Kbh: Christian Ejlers, 2007, 143 pages.

Sunbeam: nye malerier. Århus: Galerie MøllerWitt, 2009, 48 pages

De vilde 80ére/editor: Christian Gether with others. Ishøj: Arken, 2010, 32 pages

Lars Nørgård: Lyse sider. Næstved: Rønnebæksholm, 2011, 32 pages

Lars Nørgård: Luxury Visions. KUNSTEN Museum of Modern Art: Aalborg, 2011, 194 pages

Lars Nørgård: Rotor & Retur. Kbh: Galerie Mikael Andersen, 2011, 48 pages

Lars Nørgård: Die Korrekte Verwedung von Seife, Berlin: Galerie Mikael Andersen, 2012, 48 pages

Lars Nørgård: Fairway. Kbh: Galerie Mikael Andersen, 2014, 48 pages

Lars Nørgård: Morphine/text: Claus Hagedorn-Olsen Horsens Kunstmuseum, Horsens, 2016, 86 pages

Lars Nørgård: Beehive Cockpit/text: Morten Kyndrup, Martin Asbæk Gallery, Copenhagen, 2017, 80 pages

Horsens Kunstmuseum: Lars Nørgård – Horsens Kunstmuseums samling. Author: Claus Hagedorn-Olsen & Lars Nørgård, Horsens Kunstmuseum, Horsens, 2020, 86 pages

Horsens Kunstmuseum: Lars Nørgård, tegninger. Author: Claus Hagedorn-Olsen, Horsens Kunstmuseum, Horsens, 2022, 144 pages


1986 Villiam H. Michaelsens Scholarship for Drawing
1988 The Danish Arts Foundation 3 Years Scholarship
1989 Scholarship from the Kristian Zahrtsmanns Foundation
1989 “The Artist of the Year” Jyllands-Posten
1990 Scholarship from the foundation for Danish- Norwegian cooperation
2000 Vilhelm Pachts Art Scholarship
2003 The Big Soendergaard Scholarship
2006 Niels Wessel Bagges Scholarship
2011 Ny Carlsbergfondets Travel Grants


Born: 25th October 1956, Aalborg, Denmark
Educated at Skolen for Brugskunst, Copenhagen, 1975-78,
Academy of Art College, San Francisco, 1980-81
Member of “Workshop Worst” from 1982 to 1984
Affiliated to the art group “De Unge Vilde” throughout the 1980’s

Lars Nørgård worked from 1977 until 1980 in a photo realistic style. During his studies in USA 1980-81, his paintings changed with an emphasis on abstract expression, especially inspired by the artist, Willem De Kooning. His palette was now “Americanised”, with strong, bold and light colours. On his return to Denmark, Lars Nørgård joined his acquaintance, Erik A. Frandsen’s experimental art school, “Workshop Worst”. Lars Nørgård was a part of this art community, and developed over the next few years a figurative style, more allegorical paintings with the members of Workshop Worst as stage models. From 1986, Lars Nørgård alternated between an abstract expressional style, now with a heavy Nordic colour pallet, and a tight cartoonist figurative style. In 1998, Lars Nørgård decided to stop the pendulum, and chose to gather the threads to create the painting style, that today are characteristic for the artist – an amalgamation of figures and space, a picture devoid of a complete explanation, an energetic expression with both abstract and surreal elements. The surreal elements come from the many, completely over simplified line drawings within Lars Nørgård’s parallel production.

Biography in Danish

Lars Nørgård biografi

Født 25.oktober 1956,
Aalborg Uddannet på Skolen for Brugskunst, København, 1975-78,
Academy of Art College, San Francisco, 1980-81
Medlem af “Værkstedet Værst” fra 1982-1984
Tilknyttet “De Unge Vilde” op gennem firserne

Lars Nørgård arbejdede i 1977-80 i et fotorealistisk sprog. Ved studiet i USA 1980-81, blev dette maleri dog hurtigt udskiftet med et abstrakt ekspressivt udtryk, især inspireret af maleren Willem De Kooning. Paletten var nu “amerikaniseret”, i stærke, lysende farver. Tilbage i Danmark stiftede LN bekendtskab med Erik A. Frandsen, medstifter af den eksperimenterende kunstskole “Værkstedet Værst”. LN blev en del af dette kunstnerfællesskab, og udviklede på et par år et figurativt sprog, et allegorisk maleri, med medlemmerne af VV, som modeller i scenerierne. Efter 1986 arbejdede LN skiftevis i et abstrakt-ekspressivt udtryk, nu med brug af mere nordiske, tunge farvetoner, samt et stramt tegneserieagtigt, figurativt sprog. I 1998 stoppede LN denne penduleren, og samlede trådene til det maleri, der idag er kendetegnende for kunstneren: en sammensmeltning af figur og rum, et billede blottet for færdige forklaringer og egentlige fix-punkter, et energisk udtryk med både abstrakte og surreelle elementer. De sureelle elementer hentes fra de mange, helt forenklede stregtegninger, Lars Nørgård´s sideløbende produktion.