Beauty Boxer

Beauty Boxer is now included in Horsens Kunstmuseum´s collection of contemporary art

340 x 250 cm, acrylic and oil on canvas, 2021.

Bought with funds from the estate of Robert H. Jensen, 2023.

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5 Balls

5 Balls is now included in Horsens Kunstmuseum´s collection of contemporary art

250 x 200 cm, acrylic and oil on canvas, 2022.
Horsens Kunstmuseum

Gift from the artist, 2023.


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New acquisitions by AVK Holding A/S

200 x 240 cm, acrylic and oil on canvas, 2020.

Silently Floating
200 x 250 cm, acrylic, crackle paste and oil on canvas, 2022.

Brushes Night Out
115 x 200 cm, acrylic and oil on canvas, 2023.


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Guldalderen set i nyt lys

Horsens Kunstmuseum The golden age of danish painting, interacting with contemporary art, all from the collection of Horsens kunstmuseum

Winter Presentation – Artists of the Gallery

Xenos Acrylic, paste, crackle paste and oil on canvas, 2022 Martin Asbæk Gallery

Horsens Kuraterer del 3

Horsens Kunstmuseum Image: Portrait of Michael Kvium, oil on canvas, 1985